Advisory services for an Indian women healthcare company for funding, acquisition and corporate law


An Indian women healthcare company was looking for support in funding, acquisition and corporate law advisory services.

Advisory on the private equity funding: Advisory on the transaction Series A, Series B, Series C and Series D round of funding, legal structuring, legal documentation and related compliances.

Advisory on the acquisition process: Advisory on the transaction, legal structuring, documentation and execution of pre & post transaction compliances, identification of legal and tax consultants and coordination for conducting and convening the Tribunal. Also convened meetings for M&A purposes. 

Corporate law advisory and support: Continuous support for compliance under Companies Act for completion of the routine and annual compliances of the Company.

Benefit: Continuous advice and support on the prevailing corporate law regulations and smooth sailing of the private equity transaction process and the routine compliances. Being the Company which is in a high growth stage, we always keep them Due Diligence ready.

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